The purpose of the RAJN-website is to inform you about the brand. It is not meant to be a webshop. The RAJN brand is sold via retailers. Consumers are kindly requested to contact their retailer in case of questions.
The addresses below are for wholesalers or agents interested in retailing the RAJN brand. In case you cannot find a contact for your area, then please send a mail to either Arcade Style, Handelsvertretung Zaher Khan, or Christian Knebel.
belgium - netherlands - luxemburg
Lode Waegemans
Arcade Style
Rijweg 110 a
2870 Puurs
austria - germany (south)
Handelsvertretung Zaher Khan
Raum D 202 Atrium 3
Lilienthalallee 40
80939 München
germany (north) - rajn
Christian Knebel
Sülldorfer Kirchenweg 14
22587 Hamburg
germany (central) - rajn kids
Reiner Walter
Int. SchuhHandels Agentur
Oberwallweg 12
31676 Bückeburg
Paul Meier
fom – Showroom 3045
Pfadackerstrasse 7
8957 Spreitenbach
Mob : +41 79 664 66 46
scandinavia (dk, fi, no, se)
Christina Karlsen / Rune Lauritsen
Brand Store AS
Norwegian Fashion Center
Snarøyveien 30L
1360 Fornebu
Mob : +47 97 77 53 03
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